"It is never too late to be who you might have been." George Elliot

Founder of FutureProof4Life.com and a proud ambassador of Launch You.
Launch You has allowed me to build a business around the things that matter most to me: freedom, personal growth & wealth creation.
There's no better reward than helping people transform their lives with a modern online business education relevant to today's digital world.
This site was born of a desire to record and share the journey that is and will be my experience of personal and professional reinvention, age 62.
Why the upheaval you may well ask, your life’s not so bad. Very well, here goes: It started with the feeling that I was squandering the privilege of this gift of life. Allowing a part of me wither, heading headlong for regrets. There’s this inner inkling, a feeling, knowing, that there's still stuff I want to do, to achieve, boundaries to press on, growth to experience (in all its discomfort, joy, and ever more fullness of expression), and that there is still time, even now, to make my mark, to honour the inner voice.
In the course of researches, both inward looking and external I’ve uncovered some shockingly unsettling data regarding contemporary western society. For example, I am far from alone in feeling an underlying sense of disquiet with my lot. Results of a recent (2019) Gallup poll revealed more than 80% of employees are dissatisfied with their jobs, and if this wasn’t depressing enough only 13% of people are satisfied with themselves as they are, generally wanting to change their personalities and improve in respect of openness, conscientiousness & extroversion as well as wanting to reduce neuroticism. And did you know suicide is the biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK? The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die while we live. And this prompted another train of enquiry, regrets at the end of life. There are many TED talks on the subject, and it appears (anecdotal) the number one regret is - I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. In other words, at the very end of life it isn’t just the person that dies, but all of their unfulfilled dreams, hopes, aspirations.
Perhaps, I figure, there may be others out there who could use some inspiration and the info, tools & encouragement (perhaps a role model too) necessary to effect personal change and avoid these bear-traps on their paths. I hereby do solemnly promise to gather herein all the usefulness I find over the course of this transformation. This website is intended to grow as a resource for those that know they are capable of so much more, whatever that particular more may look like, and even if they have no idea as to how to make it reality
Content will include, among other topics: assessing a life situation; determination of purpose; human potential and the unlocking of same; personality change; personal growth; skills acquisition; wealth creation; redesigning a life/intentional living.
With my ambassadorship of the incredible Launch You ecosystem, I am here to empower, educate, and support you in achieving your version of success with our proven online business blueprint that, if followed, will make your success in life and business inevitable.
I am a proud ambassador of Launch You, and our vision for you, a powerful creator, is to construct your own reality; a life by your own design where you can reside in a place of flow and purpose, making a living not just by what you do but as a byproduct of the positive impact your work has on the lives of others.